Hi! We are EarthBased.

We are an eCommerce platform that deals exclusively with plant-based products with sustainability as our cornerstone value. If you are a conscious consumer who has already figured out the wizardry to non-toxic, carbon negative, vegan, upcycling lifestyle or if you are just aspiring to live more sustainably - we are here with solutions and support for your journey.

How it all began:
Nikhila Vishnuvajhala and Khushi Agarwal, (friends and now, co-founders) spent a lot more time than they intended to, to adapt to a vegan and sustainable lifestyle as they were challenged with reading the fine print on labels, paying premium prices, doing extensive research, and getting nominal choices. Nikhila and Khushi came across many people like them who have a larger vision of reducing their carbon footprint with planet-friendly choices.

In 2021, 9% of the Indians identified as vegan. This lifestyle speaks to people for various reasons - sustainable handling of resources, leaving minimal damage to the environment, it has fantastic health benefits and believes in ethical treatment of animals. It is indeed easier to be vegan in India than in any other country as the quintessential Indian meal is Dal, Chaval, Roti and Sabzi. But the high rate of adaptation of vegan diet in India comes from the internet-savvy, health conscious, urban youth backed by this country’s centuries old fundamental value - Ahimsa.

The team at EarthBased realized there is space on the internet for a community-first platform that will support members during their transitions with facts, instructions, recipes, great swaps, and ultimately encourage people to make one small step at a time towards mindful living.

Why shop with us?
We are flexitarian. At EarthBased we believe one doesnt have to go cold vegan turkey to switch to a plant based lifestyle. Your journey would be enjoyable along with righteousness if you have the space to trial and error a tailor made lifestyle that suits you. We believe the all or nothing approach is keeping out people from trying plantbased lifestyle. “You can't do without your adrak chai with dairy, okay, here is a toothbrush you can plant instead of disposing of it. That's my pitch” - Nikhila. At EarthBased we believe every person’s, small and big actions count.
We bet you did not know, some beers have fish gut, sugar is whitened with bone char and condoms are lubricated with animal protein. Until a few years back veganism was considered a diet. Today as it graduated into a lifestyle, vegans are swapping many daily use items with plant-based, sustainable alternates. Any product on our platform will not have animal product as an ingredient, as a part of process or tested on. We host a wide range of products, across catagories to provide you with maximum choices and minimal time spent on research. And some day we see ourselves selling faux leather biker jackets to solar panels.

We promise transparency - insights into ingredients, their sources, and what principles guided the production, explained in an easy and understandable manner. We want to equip you with information that lets you take an informed and conscious decision about what goes into your body, mind, and home. We are committed to working with companies that meet global standards for workplace safety and wage fairness.

We are guided by our values and committed to our principles to find you products that we are sure to be planet-friendly and filled with goodness. Every product you see on our platform is
100% cruelty-free

Our products come from artisans, entrepreneurs, and businesses that work with locally sourced raw materials and also share similar values and operate in a sustainable model. We proudly host them and you can know everything about them on your platform.

Let's take care of that box, together. The joy of opening an awaited order is unmatched, however, recycling waste in our current system can be challenging. We have eco-friendly packaging and have only used recyclable plastic. To reduce the environmental toll of our exchange, we have a dry waste management partner in your city to help you with recycling the waste. Did you know virgin cardboard can be recycled to make the same material up to seven times?

Community is the heart of our brand. If you are a seasoned vegan and have recipes to share, we want to hear you. If you are a half-baked minimalist and have tips for us to reduce consumption we want to hear you. You took the stairs and skipped the elevator, we want to hear you. Are you thinking about switching to plant-based protein and have questions, we would love to extend support through talks and podcasts with nutritionists and trainers. Together we can, discuss, write, produce information that would guide and encourage others to take that small step.

What's next?
Creation is an act of sheer will. - Jurassic Park.

The team at EarthBased spent the last few months ideating what products to host, getting to know businesses we love to partner with, brainstorming ethical and moral filters that align with our vision, and re-evaluating all of the above.

Today as we take up this space and your time, we feel proud, confident, and aspire to be the best plant-based platform with sustainability as our cornerstone value. We look forward to earning your trust and business. Write to us, we are talkative.

Team EarthBased

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Mohan Malla

Mohan Malla

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